Guidance for Travellers coming to Guyana

HomeGuidance for Travellers coming to Guyana

Guidance for Travellers coming to Guyana

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  • The risk of a case being imported to the Caribbean remains possible.
  • At this time, NO case has been confirmed in the Caribbean, but other countries (USA, Canada etc.) have reported imported cases.
  • Remember to stay informed about the COVID-19 situation in any countries that you are travelling to.
  • Practice general infection control measures such as frequent hand-cleaning routines with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water; covering your mouth and nose with flexed elbow when sneezing and coughing; avoid touching your face, mouth, nose eyes and eat only fully cooked foods.

Travellers arriving or returning from a COVID19 affected country

Travellers are advised to

  • seek information about the current COVID-19 situation and remain aware of up-to-date information from the World Health Organisation (WHO) or the Ministry of Public Health in the destination country;
  • be cooperative by submitting yourself for screening if requested by airport officials in home country and again at airports in connecting countries. They may take your temperature and ask about your activities to assess the likelihood of you acquiring the infection;
  • ensure that you have received all your vaccines (yellow fever, measles, etc.) as recommended by your Ministry of Health and remember to walk with your yellow fever International Immunization card.